Friday, June 10, 2016

Under the Surface

See from birth the world feeds us labels, labels we are forced to swallow and   digest...
Before the air could fill my lungs, before I knew what earth was you decided who I was going to be...                      

See my heart is covered by imperfect skin- it mirrors the beauty I have locked inside my soul
A secret it remains because you have no eyes to see within the beauty I hide    

Once upon a time...

You write my story without any reference from ME
You narrate my experience  as though you walked on the shattered glass with me

Your insecurities allow you to create versions of myself not known to me    
Fallacies cloud your truth as you try and infiltrate mine
You choose to define my being with no reference from me and in turn you judge and redicule who I am based on the assumptions of your blurry vision

By: Linda RM Baumann
10 June 2016

My lost sleep

 I keep tossing and turning at night, I know I'm asleep but I also know I am awake Exhausted I feel as I wake to start the day Because I...