Sunday, December 20, 2015

None, Content

I am naked... I bare my soul- openly to that which you say is mine.
Hearts linger and anticipate the synchronized echo of our blood flowing from ventricle to ventricle

I am naked with vulnerability
I am naked by default of my presence, as those eyes undress me
As I journey through life the stops and crossroads I pass by .Undress my being as I seek to find my direction yet my vulnerability betrays me

It exposes me to a world unkind.untrue to me. A world that takes pride in knocking me down

I stand naked before you. I stand naked before you. And yet you choose to cover those edges and curves You don't approve of

I stand naked with you and still you choose to stayed clothed
You choose to hide that which is most vulnerable about you
And you have the nerve to say I'm not open.

Yet you grind your teeth at my nakedness
I choose to no longer be naked. As this nakedness made me realise my vulnerability,  As it has made me see my bare soul. A soul only i can cloth. Naked I am no more.

18 December 2015

Friday, December 4, 2015

I am Me

As we celebrate our Humanity
The layers I need to unveil comes with so much weight
Yet disregarded

As I celebrate the air in my body
My heart beat stimulated by the concessions of life

As I stand here in front of you
The checks and balances made to define the person that I am scares me as no one asked me who I am

The classification of not succumbing to following the norm has brought me in trouble
Trouble define by those who chose to define the me that I am

I cannot be confined to these rules
As these rules imprisons me
The chains striped all over my body makes me wanna scream

And as I scream I can hear my voice but don’t

I want to be free
I want to feel the real
I want to hear my voice
I want to nurture all of me

As we celebrate our humanity
The layers I need to unveil are scarred by those barriers that brings injustice to my body, mind and soul.

Do you know who I am?

I am just that little girl who wants her voice to be heard

As I celebrate our diversity with the wave of the rainbow and the sparkle our uniqueness

I – I  am M

My lost sleep

 I keep tossing and turning at night, I know I'm asleep but I also know I am awake Exhausted I feel as I wake to start the day Because I...