Sunday, March 19, 2017

Subjective Perception: After 27 Years

Subjective Perception: After 27 Years

Roots, they bind me
Culture, rooted within my faith
Proud I am to be of the soil – of the land of the brave

Namibian child I am,
Pure and gratified
Struggles I have witnessed,
Lived through- unimaginable pains
For today- where I can freely walk in my democracy “Acclaimed”

Or do I? There are thoughts on my mind that I ponder on endlessly
Because for a land so brave and democratic...
So free and peaceful…
I question, whether I can factually say I walk freely in my democracy “Acclaimed”

27 years of Independence as a country-
Here I am still questioning, as I still can’t fathom what it means to reap the liberation accorded to all

The celebrations, the commemorations – have me juggle the truthfulness of who we are as Namibia
The language of freedom, equality, socio-economic development has manifested its subjectivisms’ that clearly violates the values of what we stand for!
What then? Why then, did we watch as our sisters and brothers got whipped,
Lead marches for our freedom just to be gunned down? Why then did we leave our homes?
Why did we experience exile?...

Was the sole purpose not because we wanted to be treated as human beings?
Did we not want to be seen equal to white people and enjoy the privileges they had too?
Did we not fight beliefs and battles to be able to love across racial boarders?
Was the freedom we fought for not for some of those very purposes-
If so and believing the essence of where I hail from I know we faced great trails to be where we are today…

Therefore, I fail to comprehend- when my country shuns me and calls me un-Namibian,
How we could together as a nation repeat the pains inflicted on us by our colonisers…
Within this era of Liberation, I experience a recolonization by my own people

My identity is layered, However I am no different…

As I continue to strive for better, my experience of injustice seems to grow – daily.
As the bubbles brew deep inside of me, I know it stems from me not having any space
To offload, when many claim support systems all ‘round… Mirage- Rather

I, I desire a Namibia that upholds the diversity within our realities
Within our boarders, the realities that advanced the consciousness of our narratives- they that define our heritage
A heritage that has laid a foundation, one our ancestors hoped would create peace, stability and eventually an enabling space that dignifies all Namibians

I anticipate, anxiously for my country’s realisation-
That, I too, hail from the very soil they fought on, for my freedom, for my Liberation…

That I am no different, Though my identity is layered…

By: Linda RM Baumann
19 March 2017


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